The dishwasher was running tonight, and for some reason it was loud. It was late, all the boys were in bed, and after folding laundry I laid on the couch to relax, see what was on TV, and then off to bed. As I silenced the tv, to see if kids were still up and talking, I head the dishwasher. Now, it runs every day. Sometimes twice if kids are home.  So why did it feel so…happy to me? It was all out washing in a beat a rapper would It had been a hard day kids and problems and foster care tales from other pople. I looked at the laundry and smiled. I was not even drinking and I smiled at huge piles of laundry. This is why. We have clothes to wash. Lots of clothes, towels and washcloths. Socks and jeans, sheets and pillowcases. We have water. Soap, electricity, and a working washer.  We have it ALL!  Like in my kitchen, the dishwasher says ” your richer then 87% of the worlds population!  We have food to eat. Dishes to eat on. Lots of plates and even glasses to drink out of. Not water, but juice, pop and kook aid. And water only if we chose to drink it. And it comes out of a faucet, not a mile  down the road. So for today, I am great full. As. U h as I always want new things, fancy things and expensive things, I have all I need. Need is here firm and fresh, smelling of Downey and clean warm dished. Need is here. Want is across the road. Beautiful dishes, and clothes, beautifudecorated tables, floors shine, countertops too! I have more then so many, many families and it was based on a magic gene that made me land in the egg I did. I am so very, very grateful I was not born in Haiti,

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